Eight years ago, Dane Quintana first found his interest in basketball after being inspired by his friends. His love for the sport has grown ever since.
“Originally, I got interested in basketball because I noticed friends and people around my school were playing it. And then I continued playing well because I enjoyed it,” Quintana said, “And everybody that I was friends with from the football team, also played basketball and I felt left out if I wasn’t involved.”

Playing basketball allowed Quintana to feel a part of something, and it allowed him time to bond with friends. But it was also something that he enjoyed making it easier for him to get better and better as he kept playing.
One thing that kept Quintana going was help from Coach John Nonemacher, along with his friends on and off the court, “I got a lot of support from coaches,” Quintana said, “My go-to player for support would be Dominic Dever, he and I have been playing together since fourth grade and we have a lot of chemistry on the court. And it not only helps us but it also boosts our teammates’ attributes as well,” Dane said.
He started the season off a little rougher than he would’ve liked due to coming off an injury from football season. But the team still gave Quintana a lot of support, keeping him on the team, and allowing him to push forward on the starting lineup.
Knowing each other’s skill sets and leaning on each other in the game has helped Quintana improve as a player.
His senior year playing basketball isn’t going the way he had envisioned it. But he’s still hoping for the best outcome for the team’s season.
“Oh, obviously losing a lot hurts the team’s self-esteem, but we just have to keep going. We’re starting better off this year than we were last season. There’s still hope,” Quintana said.
There are six games left in regular season play: (Courtesy: Max Preps)
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