Breakfast in the classroom begins!

Courtesy: Fruit as part of school breakfast
January 11, 2016
Every single student at the TEC campus now has a chance to get a free breakfast every school day. All you have to do is show up for school.
“I think that giving breakfast to students in the morning would create a positive outcome for both the students grades and their attitude. Most students don’t have time to eat in the morning, so giving them this chance will result in positive attitudes and will increase their energy, getting them through the day without an empty stomach,” said Krystal Picket (9).
Casey Hodges is a registered dietician and the District Chef. She says she’s excited to give all students the most important meal of the day,
“Breakfast in the morning is free to any grade level and student. Anyone can still eat breakfast on an off period in the cafeteria after the bell.”
Cafeteria staff began delivering meals Monday. They start around 7:00 am dropping off food outside classroom doors.
“Having breakfast in the morning is a great thing for people running late,” said Mitzy Sanchez (10).
“Everyone has to take a fruit, and/or juice. Milk is optional. In the morning breakfast is sorted out in every class,” said District Chef Hodges.
“It’s a great way for students to start their day energized,” said Manuela Berisa (10).
There is also a grab and go breakfast cart in the spine next to the middle school. First period teachers are allowing between 10-20 minutes for students to eat in class. Students with an off block during first period can get free lunch in the cafeteria until 8:00 am.

Fruit as part of school breakfast