Teacher earns Master’s degree for himself, his family and his students
August 27, 2018
An Englewood teacher pushes himself to help Englewood students. Randall Neal, the athletic trainer at EHS, earned his Master’s Degree in Science and Sports Rehabilitation this past Friday from Logan University in St. Louis, Missouri, “This was very challenging and I had many days when I wanted to walk away. But that wasn’t me, I never quit anything,” Neal said.
He says he did this to benefit his family and his students, “This will give a boost in compensation and help support my family for sure. This overall has improved me as a teacher and an Athletic Trainer, therefore, our students will receive top quality care and rehabilitation exercises.”
Though he said it was challenging, he had tons of support,“My wife was full of support and really made it easy. I had great support from my family, all the way to my Englewood Family,” he says. While working to earn his degree, he says he felt guilty for ignoring his family at times. It worked out in the end though when he realized how he would be helping his students, “When we start to gain strong teachers within CTE (Career and Technical Education) programs and regular curriculum, we begin to rebuild quality education with a strong foundation.”