AP Classes tests knowledge and patience

AP logo source: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/home
AP logo source: https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/home
December 17, 2018
Students at Englewood High school love to challenge themselves in the classroom, but pushing themselves can be stressful, especially when their class load includes AP.
There is a wide range of AP (Advanced Placement) classes at EHS and each one helps prepare young high school students to succeed in further education. “(AP Classes) get students ready for college-level work. It’s a lot but it’s important that kids understand that they’re in a college level class and by taking AP it is preparing them for college. Statistics show that students who take AP classes have a higher chance of going to college and graduating classes,” said counselor Dawn Cominsky. Cominsky is charged with helping high school students, and she knows what the kids need to be successful in college.
“They’re hard, and it’s a heavy workload. They (AP Classes) look better on your transcript as well as prepare you for college, and regular classes are too easy,” said Teagan Crowe (10). Many students here feel they have to challenge themselves in order to be successful. AP classes can be stressful at times, students get homework every night and are responsible for studying for the nationwide test at the end of the year which determines if they get college credit.
“I think (AP Classes) will help me in the future because I want to become a nurse and I have to go to college to do that, AP classes will prepare me for that challenge,” said Alyssa Nuanez (10).
Professions like nurses, doctors, and scientists require significant education and skill because of the competition there is for that type of job. To beat out the competition, counselors say it is important to take these AP Classes to prepare you for the college workload academically.
There are 11 different AP classes offered. Because students can take multiple classes, counselors estimate nearly 200 students are enrolled in these classes.