A no snow day
October 29, 2019
Students were excited to hear Principal Ryan West on the intercom shortly before 10 am Tuesday. West announced middle and high school students would be released at 1:30 after the fifth period.

Snow everywhere! A blanket of snow looks beautiful but makes for a hard walk to the EHS campus.
This comes after students woke early and braved the snow to get to school at 8 am. Many were shocked to learn they still had school, “I looked at my phone and didn’t see Englewood and I was like, WHAT?” said Julian Galvan (11). Those that walked found it difficult, “I had to walk to school, by the time I got there my clothes were soaked in snow,” said Nate Gravagno (11).

Joey Groenbeck (12) came in covered from head to toe in the snow after walking to school.
Some staff and parents struggled to get to the high school, “The roads were very scary and people were slipping and sliding. It was dangerous out there,” teacher Karla Shotts said.
Students believed the weather Tuesday was worse than the previous day when a 90-minute delay was issued, “I wanted to stay in bed,” said Riley Talley (11).
The district sent a message home at message at 9:46, “Elementary and FULL DAY preschool students will be released at their normal time. However, parents who are able and would like to may pick up their students earlier. High School and Middle School students are being released earlier so they can be home to take care of younger siblings if needed.”
Some students worry about how they are getting home if parents are still at work. The morning drive was worrisome, and the afternoon drive is expected to be worse, “When we had to drive here we got stuck multiple times,” said Finn Talley(11).
According to 9New.com, 185 agencies and schools had announced closures or early release schedules, “With another round of snow coming, I’m a little worried about how I’m going to get home,” said Elowyn Fahnestock (10).
At this point, a decision about Wednesday, October 30 has not been made. Follow EHS on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and keep an eye on your email for an announcement from the district.