Hawks eye turned to logo; Win a Pirate Prize!

Mr. Hawk


   Englewood Athletic director Cory Hawk has an eagle eye when it comes to the Pirate logo. He can spot it a mile away on any make or model car. His keen awareness could be your reward. Mr. Hawk is giving away a Pirate Prize if you proudly display the new Pirate sticker on your vehicle. He is hoping it will help raise Pirate Pride, but also visibly represent EHS around the community.
Mr. Hawk will send teachers a picture of the winning car. If it’s yours, stop by his office, answer a simple question about your vehicle and the prize is yours! 
And, please, in the spirit of how this is intended, don’t try to tell him one of these cars is yours if it isn’t!
The contest runs the entire school year! unnamed-1  unnamed-2