Every year at Englewood High School, the bell schedule changes, and some students say they especially don’t like the 2023 schedule.
Students Davion Fisher, who is a senior, and Paige Shlosman who is a sophomore, think it was very hard to adjust to the new schedule, “classes last year were shorter and times made more sense,” said Shlosman. Both were upset that school ends later, “I’m still trying to get used to this new schedule,” said Shlosman. They both agreed that last year’s schedule was much better and just made more sense overall.
English teacher Mark Fornnarino said that after all his years working here this year’s schedule isn’t his favorite but it’s better than it has been years prior, “the schedule is good and bad, it gives me a little more time to get here and prepare in the mornings, but I don’t really like how it ends later.” Fornnarino also adds that if he could change it he would make each class much shorter, “having a longer lunch and taking like two minutes off each class would be nice but that would affect summer break and other things because of the laws schools must follow.”
Shlosman says that she would like the classes to end in even numbers such as 0 or 5 because it would make memorizing the schedule easier for her and lots of other students, “Last year’s schedule was way better because it ended earlier and the schedule made more sense, every class ended in an even number so it didn’t take me as long to remember it.”