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EST. 1913
The student news site of Englewood High School

The Pirateer

The student news site of Englewood High School

The Pirateer

The student news site of Englewood High School

The Pirateer

EST. 1913


EHS Media Policy and Procedure Manual 

EHS MEDIA Guide pt 1

EHS MEDIA Guide pt2


Mission Statement

The Pirateer staff and adviser are dedicated to creating a collaborative, open forum that cultivates productive dialogue within the School community by publishing exemplary student news media according to the strictest standards of journalistic integrity.

At all times, we seek to find the truth and report it, to report fully, fairly, and accurately, and to abide by the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics. We have a duty to fairly serve the Englewood High School student body, faculty, staff, and greater community as a whole, evincing in no way any bias or favoritism towards any particular interest, individual, or group. Final content decisions are the responsibility of the editor-in-chief and editorial board, working in conjunction with the adviser.

Freedom of expression

The staff will strive to create a publication that is a public, uncensored forum for the expression of diverse views and discussion of issues that pertain to the community. The Pirateer holds the right to publish anything that is not obscene. In this way, the staff reserves the right to constructively criticize the school community.


The Pirateer is the high school student newspaper and website of Englewood High School in Englewood, Colorado. It is produced as part of the EHS academic curriculum as well as students’ extracurricular programs. All content decisions are made by the students enrolled in journalism, broadcast journalism, and yearbook classes according to the value system outlined in the editorial policy and mission statement. The Pirateer staff holds all responsibility for the content published in print and online, with final content decisions in the hands of the Editor-in-Chief, working in conjunction with the adviser. The publication is not under prior review, but all costs of operating, maintaining, and producing the newspaper are fully funded by the school through the EHS Administration.

Purpose of the publication

The purpose of The Pirateer is to serve its readers in the following ways:

  • Fair and accurate reporting of news related but not limited to the school community.
  • Issues-driven coverage that aims to explore ideas, themes, concepts, trends, and recent developments beyond the campus that are relevant to members of the community.
  • Engaging and interesting news, features, opinions, culture, and sports content.
  • By providing a designated open forum for expression and discussion of ideas relevant to the school community.
  • By serving as an advocate for students, student ideas, and student causes.
  • By furthering the mission statement of the school through enriching content for the community.

 Pirates, speak your mind!

The editors of the Pirateer newspaper and website would like to invite all (including members of the community) to submit any comments or concerns they may have in the form of Letters to the Editor by the second Friday of each month.

Letters to the Editor may be left in Ms. Shotts mailbox in the main office, brought to room 2119, or sent by e-mail to [email protected]. The Pirateer does not accept unsigned letters but may consider withholding names upon request.

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