Students react to new filters - Story by LaMarr Sykes
A year after the Pirateer brought the water filters to our attention, it still seems to be a problem affecting both the students and athletes.
“After hard work of practice, the team needs fresh water to rehydrate and should be able to rely on the school for that,” said Senior Dane Quintana.
The water issue is making things more and more difficult for students to hydrate when the water they need doesn’t taste good.
“The water at this school is important for athletes who need to hydrate, but have no water of their own. But some students would rather not drink anything than drink this water,” said Junior Cameron Meade.
When told about the water issue being corrected soon, students are excited, “Feels nice to know the taste of the water is finally being corrected to help the students and athletes at this school,” said Quintana.
“I’m finally happy because the water here has been nasty for years. And it’s good that it’s finally changing,” said Sophomore Hernan Martinez.
“The water here doesn’t taste very good, But I’m glad it’s being updated to fit the needs of students,” said Junior Nayla Johnson.