2020 Senior Awards Presentation

Each year, seniors are recognized by their teachers and members of the Englewood community for their time and effort in the classroom and around campus. Because this year is different and we can’t all be in the same place at the same time, we present the Senior Awards in video form.



Hainey Ashlynn AP Lit Senior best
Buchanan Vox ROSE award Recognition of Student Excellence
Groenbeck Joseph ROSE award Recognition of Student Excellence
Rich Carmen Quill & Scroll high honors-Journalism
Cheatum Casey Quill & Scroll high honors-Journalism
Webb Jaydin Quill & Scroll high honors-Journalism
Daughtry Yakez Excellence in Physical Education
Chinas Ricky Excellence in Physical Education
Frye Mikayla excellence in Physical Education
Minelik Aniah Daniels Fund Scholarship Going to CU-Denver
Adams Nisha ACC-Englewood Scholar
Breaze Seth ACC-Englewood Scholar
Cheatum Casey ACC-Englewood Scholar
Coupe Chance ACC-Englewood Scholar
Gruska Dylan ACC-Englewood Scholar
Hinkson Cole ACC-Englewood Scholar
Kujala Shelby ACC-Englewood Scholar
Naseef Kirollos ACC-Englewood Scholar
Ridgeway Aspen ACC-Englewood Scholar
Romero Savion ACC-Englewood Scholar
Saiz Hunter ACC-Englewood Scholar
Sanchez Pedro ACC-Englewood Scholar
Torrez Alyssa ACC-Englewood Scholar
Venable Brittney ACC-Englewood Scholar
Buchanan Vox Lynx Success Grant & Chancellor Scholarship CU-Denver
Kinton Jaelyn Colorado Mesa Distinguished Scholars Full tuition and fees
Lopez Citlali Brownson Leadership Scholarship & First Generation Scholarship Colorado Mesa
Maschka Emma Colorado Mesa Distinguished Scholars Full tuition and fees
Mehrzad Naiman Reza CU-Boulder First Generation Scholarship
Webb Jaydin UNC Northern Lights Scholarship
Hernandez Milagros Englewood Rotary Club Scholarship Englewood Rotary Club
Lopez Citlali Englewood Rotary Club Scholarship Englewood Rotary Club
Maschka Emma Englewood Rotary Club Scholarship Englewood Rotary Club
Ward Larryssa Economics
Groenbeck Joseph Government
Hainey Deveyn AP American Government
Rodriguez Carolina Excellence in Visual Art
Cheatum Brianna Excellence in Visual Art
Lincoln-Rohlfing Paige Excellence in Mathematics Exceptional Persistence and Resilience
Brown Jayda Excellence in Mathematics Exceptional Independence and Work Ethic
Buchanan Vox Excellence in English
Andrews Brady Excellence in English
Maschka Emma Excellence in Vocal Music / Choir
Romero Savion Excellence in Vocal Music / Choir
Escobar-Roybal HeavenLee Excellence in Vocal Music / Choir
O’Bryon Brandon Excellence in Vocal Music / Choir
Hernandez Milagros Computer Science
Baylon Junias Business
Lincoln-Rohlfing Paige FBLA
Johnson Lily Female Athlete of the Year
Hazard Josiah Male Athlete of the Year
Pellegrino Isabella Excellence in AP Physics
Altenhofen John Excellence in AP Chemistry
Hainey Ashlynn Excellence in AP Biology
Hainey Deveyn Excellence in Human Body Systems
Brown Jayda Excellence in Human Body Systems

3.5 GPA or Above 8 Consecutive Semesters

John Altenhofen

Jayda Brown

Bailey Caldwell

Heaven Lee Escobar-Roybal

Dulce Flanders-Fregoso

Joseph Groenbeck

Ashlynn Hainey

Deveyn Hainey

Paige Lincoln-Rohlfing

Emma Maschka

Isabella Pellegrino     

Dustin Trevino


3.5 GPA or Above    

Reza Mehrzad-Naiman

Citlali Lopez


3.5 GPA or Above 4 consecutive semesters 

Vox Buchanan

Haley Givens

Dylan Gruska

Brittany Venable


3.5 GPA or Above 2 consecutive semesters 

Casey Cheatum

Erik Granillo

Riley Graves

Jesus Gutierez

Ashley Munoz

Aspen Ridgeway

Carolina Rodriguez

Jayden Webb


High Honors (3.75 & Higher)

John Altenhofen

Jayda Brown

Dulce Flanders-Fregoso

Ashlyn Hainey

Deveyn Hainey

Paige Lincoln-Rohlfing

Emma Maschka


Honors (3.5 0r Higher)

Breanna Cheatum

Heaven Lee Escobar-Roybal

Joseph Groenbeck

Isabella Pellegrino

Dustin Trevino



Emma Maschka



John Altenhofen


Pirate of the Year

Dustin Trevino