Costume Car Wash Fundraiser
Students raise $1000 toward goal
September 1, 2021
Members of the theater community at Englewood High School held a costume car wash on Saturday, August 28, to raise money for an educational opportunity off-campus.

Junior Aiden Mader is part of the thespian community, “we’re putting on a carwash for anyone who’s willing to come to donate, buy some snacks just have a good time.”
Mader says it is important for students to raise money because many want to go to an event,
“We’re fundraising just so we can raise money to send kids to Thes Con, which is a big convention here in Colorado.”
According to the website, THESCON™ 2021 is being held at Colorado Convention Center in Denver in December. This event is the Rocky Mountain regions leading educational theatre event. It is the 57th annual high school and middle school theatre conference.
Mader says he is really looking forward to the event, “where a bunch of people in the theater community just go and experience acting together, and it’s a really nice experience but we just, you know everything costs money.”

Mader says his mother did all the baking to help raise money, “She did it for two days straight, actually. Yeah, that’s awesome.”
Senior Jamie Curtis organized the event, “Well basically we decided that we wanted to do this fundraiser back at the beginning of the summer, but we couldn’t really put plans together until the first week of school when we had a headcount on everyone.”
She says all the stress putting it together was worth it, “it was a little bit stressful but I really liked the way it ended up turning out.”
Curtis says students are excited to go to ThesCon, “this is a really great way to get exposure to all kinds of different theater things. Colorado’s ThesCon is actually the third biggest thespian convention in the nation. It just gives us exposure to acting professionals tech professionals, you can go and compete in events, and you can submit short films.”

Curtis says there are also scholarship opportunities and clinics with professional actors. The event runs from December 2-4. Students hope to hold another fundraiser so more theater students can go to the event.